生物多样性信息学研究组 —— 代表性论文
  • 中国生物物种名录: The Biodiversity Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2008-2020, Catalogue of Life China: 2008-2020 Annual Checklist, Beijing, China
  • Erin E. Saupe#*, Huijie Qiao#, Yannick Donnadieu, Alexander Farnsworth, Alan T. Kennedy-Asser, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Daniel J Lunt, Alexandre Pohl, Paul Valdes, Seth Finnegan#. Starting state and cooling magnitude explain extinction intensity during Ordovician and Cenozoic glaciations. Nature GeoScience. 2020, 13(1): 65-70.
  • A. Townsend Peterson, Paul E. Johnson, Narayani Barve, Ada Emmett, Marc L. Greenberg, Josh Bolick, Huijie Qiao*. The NIH public access policy did not harm biomedical journals. PLOS Biology. 2019, 17(10): e3000352.
  • Erin E. Saupe*, Corinne E. Myers, A. Townsend Peterson, Jorge Soberón, Joy Singarayer, Paul Valdes, Huijie Qiao*. Spatio-temporal climate change contributes to latitudinal diversity gradients. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2019, 10(3): 1419-1429.
  • Erin E. Saupe*, Corinne E. Myers, A. Townsend Peterson, Jorge Soberón, Joy Singarayer, Paul Valdes, Huijie Qiao*. Non-random latitudinal gradients in range size and niche breadth predicted by spatial patterns of climate. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2019, 28(7): 928-942.
  • Huijie Qiao, Xiao Feng*, Luis E. Escobar, A. Townsend Peterson, Jorge Soberón, Gengping Zhu, Monica Papeş. An evaluation of transferability of ecological niche models. Ecography. 2019, 42(3): 521-534.
  • Luis E. Escobar, Huijie Qiao*, Javier Cabello, A. Townsend Peterson. Ecological niche modeling re-examined: A case study with the Darwin's fox. Ecology and Evolution. 2018, 8(10): 4757-4770.
  • Huijie Qiao, A. Townsend Peterson, Liqiang Ji, Junhua Hu*. Using data from related species to overcome spatial sampling bias and associated limitations in ecological niche modeling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2017, 8(12): 1804-1812.
  • Huijie Qiao, Luis E. Escobar*, A. Townsend Peterson. Accessible areas in ecological niche comparisons of invasive species: Recognized but still overlooked. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7(1): 1213.
  • Huijie Qiao, Luis E. Escobar*, Erin Saupe, Liqiang Ji and Jorge Soberon. A cautionary note on the use of hypervolume kernel density in ecological niche modeling. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2017, 26(9): 1066-1070.
  • Huijie Qiao, Erin Saupe*, Corinne Myers, A. Townsend Peterson, Jorge Soberón. Impacts of niche breadth and dispersal ability on macroevolutionary patterns. American Naturalist. 2016, 188: 149-162.
  • Luis E. Escobar †, Huijie Qiao†*, A. Townsend Peterson. Forecasting Chikungunya (Alphavirus) spread in the Americas via data-driven, empirical approaches. Parasites and Vectors. 2016, 9: 112.
  • Huijie Qiao, A. Townsend Peterson, Lindsay P. Campbell, Jorge Soberón, Liqiang Ji, Luis E. Escobar*. NicheA: creating virtual species and ecological niches in multivariate environmental scenarios. Ecography. 2016, 39: 805-813.
  • Huijie Qiao, Jorge Soberón, A. Townsend Peterson*.  No silver bullets in correlative ecological niche modeling: The need for testing among many potential algorithms for niche estimation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2015, 6: 1126-1136.
  • Luis E. Escobar, Muhammad N. Awan, Huijie Qiao*. Anthropogenic disturbance and habitat loss for the red-listed Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus): Using ecological niche modeling and nighttime light satellite imagery. Biological Conservation. 2015, 191: 400-407.
  • 王然,乔慧捷*. 生态位模型在流行病学中的应用. 生物多样性. 2020, 28(5): in press
  • 乔慧捷,汪晓意,王伟,罗振华,唐科,黄燕,杨胜男,曹伟伟,赵新全,江建平,胡军华*. 从自然保护区到国家公园体制试点: 三江源国家公园环境覆盖的变化及其对两栖爬行类保护的启示. 生物多样性. 2018, 26(2): 202-209.
  • 乔慧捷,林聪田,王江宁,纪力强*. 流程化的生态建模方法与科学工作流系统. 生物多样性. 2014, 22 (3), 277-284
  • 乔慧捷,胡军华,黄继红. 生态位模型的理论基础, 发展方向与挑战. 中国科学. 2013, 43 (11), 915-927.
  • Jiangning Wang, Xiaolin Chen*, Xinwen Hou, Libing Zhou, Chaodong Zhu, Liqiang Ji. Construction, implementation and testing of an image identification system using computer vision methods for fruit flies with economic importance (Diptera: Tephritidae). Pest Management Science, 2017, 73 (7): 1511-1528
  • Jinkui Cheng, Bengui Xie, Congtian Lin, Liqiang Ji*. A comparative study in birds: call-type-independent species and individual recognition using four machine-learning methods and two acoustic features. Bioacoustics, 2012, 21 (2): 157-171.
  • Xiao Feng, Congtian Lin, Huijie Qiao, Liqiang Ji*. Assessment of climatically suitable area for Syrmaticus reevesii under climate change. Endangered Species Research, 2015, 28: 19-31.
  • Bo Zhang, Jinkui Cheng, Yan Han, Liqiang Ji, Fuming Shi. An acoustic system for the individual recognition of insects. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012, 131 (4): 2859-2865.
  • 王江宁, 纪力强*. 昆虫图像分割方法及其应用. 昆虫学报, 2011, 54 (2): 211-217.
  • 邓浩, 纪力强*. 物种潜在分布地预测系统PSDS的设计与实现. 生物多样性, 2008, 16 (1): 96-102.
  • 赵海军, 纪力强*. 大尺度生物多样性评价. 生物多样性, 2003, 11 (1): 78-85.
  • 蒋志刚, 纪力强*. 鸟兽物种多样性测度的G-F指数方法. 生物多样性, 1999, 7 (3): 220-225.