研究队伍 —— 曾治高









2006年1月-2007年2月,赴荷兰国际地理信息科学与对地观测学院(ITC) 自然资源系留学与合作研究,高级访问学者;



1. 外温动物对气候变暖的响应和适应

2. 脊椎动物物种多样性保护


1. 秦岭生物多样性保护优先区域秦岭中段南坡地区哺乳动物多样性调查与评估,横向合作项目,2019.12-2021.12

2. 秦岭国家级自然保护区生物多样性保护现状研究项目,横向合作项目,2019.08-2020.01

3. 气候变化下的生态相互作用:植被盖度和食物丰度的改变如何影响荒漠蜥蜴?国家自然科学基金中以国际合作项目,2019.01-2021.12

4. 中国羚牛的谱系生物地理格局与濒危机制及保护研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.01-2022.12

5. 武夷山国家公园哺乳动物的调查与监测保护,横向合作项目,2019.01-2020.12

6. 中国典型自然保护区保护成效评估-大田保护区评估,中国科学院野外站联盟项目,2018.06-2018.12

7. 气候环境变化对青藏高原湖泊钩虾和典型蜥蜴类种群动态的影响和模型预测,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)的子子课题,2018.03-2023.02

8. 荒漠化对蜥蜴物种多样性影响的生态学机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.01-2019.12


  • Yan, W., Z. Zeng*, H. Gong, Y. Duan, L. Zhao, A. Peng. Locomotor activity patterns of takin (Budorcas taxicolor) in a temperate mountain region. PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(7): e0235464.
  • Shuai, L.-Y., C. Cao, X.-P. Xin, Z.-T.Liu, & Z.-G. Zeng*. Feeding preference and diet overlap at different taxonomic scales: the implications for coexistence of two small herbivores. Journal of Mammalogy, 2019, 100(2): 544–551.
  • Lu, H.-L., C.-X. Xu, Z.-G. Zeng, & W.-G. Du*. Environmental causes of between-population difference in growth rate of a high-altitude lizard. BMC Ecology, 2018,18: 37.
  • Wang, Y., S.-R. Li, Z.-G. Zeng, L. Liang, W.-G. Du*. Maternal food availability affects offspring performance and survival in a viviparous lizard. Functional Ecology, 2017, 31(10): 1950–1956.
  • Wang, Y., Z.-G. Zeng, L. Ma, S.-R. Li, W.-G. Du*. Food restriction affects maternal investment but not neonate phenotypes in a viviparous lizard. Zoological Research, 2017, 38(2): 81–87.
  • Shuai, L.-Y.,  , L.-Y., C.-L. Ren, W.-B. Yan, Y.-L. Song, Z.-G. Zeng*. Different elevational patterns of rodent species richness between the southern and northern slopes of a mountain. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 8743.
  • Huang, Z.-S., F.-L. Yu, H.-S. Gong, Y.-L. Song, Z.-G. Zeng*, Q. Zhang*. Phylogeographical structure and demographic expansion in the endemic alpine stream salamander (Hynobiidae: Batrachuperus) of the Qinling Mountains. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 1871.
  • Shuai, L.-Y., Z.-R. Zhang, Z.-G. Zeng*. When should I be aggressive? A state-dependent foraging game between competitors. Behavioral Ecology, 2017, 28(2): 471–478.
  • Yan, W.-B., Z.-G. Zeng*, H.-S. Gong, X.-B. He, X.-Y. Liu, Y.-S. Ma and Y.-L. Song. Seasonal variation and sexual difference of home ranges by takins. Journal of Wildlife Management, 2017, 81(5): 938–942 .
  • Yan, W.-B., Z.-G. Zeng*, H.-S. Gong, X.-B. He, X.-Y. Liu, K.-C. Si and Y.-L. Song. Habitat use and selection by takin in the Qinling Mountains, China. Wildlife Research, 2016, 43(8): 671–680.
  • Wang, Y., Z.‑G. Zeng, S.‑R. Li, J.‑H. Bi, W.‑G. Du*. Low precipitation aggravates the impact of extreme high temperatures on lizard reproduction. Oecologia, 2016, 182:961–971.
  • Cao, C., L.-Y. Shuai, X.-P. Xin, Z.-T. Liu, Y.-L. Song, and Z.-G. Zeng*. Effects of cattle grazing on small mammal communities in the Hulunber meadow steppe. PeerJ, 2016, 4:e2349.
  • Shuai, L.-Y., Y.-L. Song, B. P. Kotler, K. Embar & Z.-G. Zeng*. Foraging behaviour in East Asian desert rodents and its implications on coexistence. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, 2016, 171–177.
  • Zeng, Z.-G., J.-H. Bi, S.-R. Li, Y. Wang, T. R. Robbins, S.-Y. Chen, and W.-G. Du*. Habitat alteration influences a desert steppe lizard community: Implications of species-specific preferences and performance. Herpetological Monographs, 2016, 30(1): 34–48.
  • Bi, J., Y. Wang, S. Li, and Z. Zeng*. Is habitat preference associated with locomotor performance in multiocellated racerunners (Eremias multiocellata) from a desert steppe? Asian Herpetological Research, 2015, 6(2): 143–149.
  • Zeng, Z.-G., J.-H. Bi, S.-R. Li, S.-Y. Chen, D. A. Pike, Y. Gao, and W.-G. Du*. Effects of habitat alteration on lizard community and food web structure in a desert steppe ecosystem. Biological Conservation, 2014, 179: 86–92.
  • Shuai, L.-Y., C.-L. Ren, C. Cao, Y.-L. Song, and Z.-G. Zeng*. Shifts in activity patterns of Microtus gregalis: a role of competition or temperature? Journal of Mammalogy, 2014, 95(5): 960–967.
  • Pan, D., Y.-L. Song, Z.-G. Zeng*, and B.D. Bravery. Habitat selection by Eld’s deer following relocation to a patchy landscape. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(3): e91158.
  • Zeng, Z.-G.*, J.-M. Zhao, and B.-J. Sun. Life history variation among geographically close populations of the toad-headed lizard (Phrynocephalus przewalskii): Exploring environmental and physiological associations. Acta Oecologica, 2013, 51: 2833.
  • Yan, W.-B., Z.-G. Zeng*, D. Pan, T.-J. Wang, Q. Zhang, Y.-N. Fu, X.-M. Lin, and Y.-L. Song. Scale-dependent habitat selection by reintroduced Eld’s deer (Cervus eldi) in a human-dominated landscape. Wildlife Research, 2013, 40(3): 217227.
  • Luo, J., Z. Zeng, Y. Song, and H. He*. Brucellosis in takins, China. Emerging infectious diseases, 2012, 18(9): 15271529. 
  • Zeng, Z.-G., Y.-L. Song* and Q. Zhang. Inter-individual variations in male and female mating bonds within a population of Eld’s deer in Hainan Island, China. Mammalia, 2011, 75(2): 143150.
  • Zeng, Z.-G., Y.-L. Song* and Q. Zhang. Copulatory pattern and behavior in a semi-captive population of Eld’s deer. Current Zoology, 2011, 57(3): 284–292.
  • Wang, T.-J.*, A.K. Skidmore, Z.-G. Zeng*, P.S.A. Beck, Y.-L. Si, Y.-L. Song, X.-H. Liu, and H.H.T. Prins. Migration patterns of two endangered sympatric species from a remote sensing perspective. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2010, 76(12):1343–1352.
  • Zeng, Z.-G., P.S.A. Beck, T.-J. Wang, A.K. Skidmore, Y.-L. Song*, H.-S. Gong, and H.H.T. Prins. Plant phenology and solar radiation drive seasonal movement of golden takin in the Qinling Mountains, China. Journal of Mammalogy, 2010, 91(1): 92–100.
  • Zeng, Z.-G., A.K. Skidmore, Y.-L. Song*, T.-J. Wang, and H.-S. Gong. Seasonal altitudinal movements of golden takin in the Qinling Mountains of China. Journal of Wildlife Management, 2008, 72(3): 611–617.





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