野生动物与行为生态研究组 —— 代表性论文
  • Zeng Y, Ping X, Jiang Z. 2019. Inertia in CITES nomenclature. Conservation Biology 33(5): 991–992.
  • Li N, Chu H, Qi Y, Li C, Ping X, Sun Y, Jiang Z. 2019. Alpha and beta diversity of birds along elevational vegetation zones on the southern slope of Altai Mountains: Implication for conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation 19: e00643.
  • Li N, Sun Y, Chu H, Qi Y, Zhu L, Ping X, Li C, Jiang Z. 2019. Bird species diversity in Altai riparian landscapes: Wood cover plays a key role for avian abundance. Ecology and Evolution 9(17): 9634-9643.
  • Xie Y. 2019. Protected Area. In: Fath, B.D. (Editor in Chief) Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2nd edition, vol. 1, pp. 451–457. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Tao X, Jiang Z., Ji S., Chu H., Yang D., Li C. 2018. Influence of light intensity and substrate color on dorsal gray color change in Phrynocephalus helioscopus and Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi. Journal of Arid Environments 157: 22-26.
  • You Z., Hu J., Wei Q, Li C., Deng X., Jiang Z. 2018. Pitfall of big databases. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115: 9026–9028.
  • Li W., Li C., Jiang Z., Guo R., Ping X. 2018. Daily rhythm and seasonal pattern of lick use in sika deer (Cervus nippon) in China. Biological Rhythm Research 50(3): 408-417.
  • Ping X, Liu N., Jiang Z., Xu H., Li C. 2018. Assaying progesterone, estradiol and cortisol concentrations in hair of Père David deer hinds:An alternative way to reflect seasonality of steroid secretion. Biological Rhythm Research 48(3): 422-430.
  • You Z., Hu J., Wei Q., Li C., Deng X., Jiang Z. 2018. Pitfall of big databases. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115: E9026-9028.
  • Sutherland WJ., Barnard P.,Broad S.,Clout M.,Connor B.,Côté IM.,Dicks LV.,Doran H., Entwistle AC.,Fleishman E.,Fox M.,Gaston KJ.,Gibbons DW.,Jiang Z., Keim B.,. Lickorish FA.,Markillie P.,Monk KA.,Pearce-Higgins JW.,Peck LS.,Pretty J.,Spalding MD.,Tonneijck FH.,Wintle BC.,Ockendon N. 2017. A 2017 Horizon Scan of Emerging Issues for Global Conservation and Biological Diversity. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32(1): 31-40.
  • Tian D., Xie Y., Barnosky A D., Wei F. 2018. Defining the balance point between conservation and development. Conservation Biology 33(2): 231–238.
  • Zhou QH, Huang ZH, Wei H, Huang CM. 2018 Variations in diet composition of sympatric Trachypithecus francoisi and Macaca assamensis in the limestone habitats of Nonggang, China. Zoological Research 39(4): 284–290
  • Huang C,Zhou Q,Yao L, Liu Z,Zhao J,Li M. 2018. Preliminary study of an albino individual in a Francois langur group (Trachypithecus francoisi) with reference to Trachypithecus genus color variation. Vietnamese Journal of Primatology 3(1), 17-24.
  • He J., Yan C., Holyoak M., Wan X., Ren G., Hou Y., Xie Y., Zhang Z. 2018. Quantifying the effects of climate and anthropogenic change on regional species loss in China. PLoS One 13(7): e0199735.
  • Hu Y, Jin K, Huang Z, Ding Z, Liang J, Pan X, Hu H, Jiang Z. 2017. Elevational patterns of non-volant small mammal species richness in Gyirong Valley, Central Himalaya: Evaluating multiple spatial and environmental drivers. Journal of Biogeography 44: 2764–2777.
  • Huang Z,Yuan P,Huang H,Tang X,Xu W,Huang C,Zhou Q. 2017. Effect of habitat fragmentation on ranging behavior of white-headed langurs in limestone forests in Southwest China. Primates 58:423–434.
  • Ji S., Lian X., Jiang Z., Li L., Bi J. and Li C. 2017. Effects of sand grain size on habitat selection in steppe toad-headed lizard (Phrynocephalus frontalis). Asian Herpetological Research 8(2): 123–130.
  • Ding J., Chang Q., Ding Y., Zhu L., Liu H., Jiang Z., Li C. 2017. Seasonal home range patterns of the reintroduced and re-wild female Père David’s deer Elaphurus Davidianus. Biological Rhythm Research 48(3): 485-497.
  • Cui S, Milner-Gulland E. J., Singh N. J., Chu H., Li C., Chen J. Jiang Z. 2017. Historical range, extirpation and prospects for reintroduction of saigas in China. Scientific Reports 7: 44200.
  • Ji S., Li L., Li C., Zhang Y., Ren S., Ping X., Cui S., Chu H., Jiang Z. 2017. Impact of different road types on small mammals in Mt. Kalamaili Nature Reserve.  Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 50: 223-233.
  • Liu Z., Jiang Z., Yang A., Xu B., Fang H., Xie Z., Li N., Li C., Meng Z., Zeng Y. 2017. Attitudes toward bile extraction from living bears: Survey of citizens and students in Beijing. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 20(3): 205-218.
  • Liu N., Jiang Z., Zhang L., Zhong Z., Ping X., Xu H. and Li C. 2016. Bioacoustic cues and their relations to dominance rank in Père David’s deer stags. Animal Production Science 56: 971-977.
  • Ping X., Han D., Jiang Z. and Li C. 2016. Circadian patterns of plasma leptin, insulin and glucose concentration in the toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus versicolor. Biological Rhythm Research 47(6): 927-936.
  • Cui S., Luo X., Chen D., Sun J., Chu H., Li C and Jiang Z. 2016. The adder (Vipera berus) in Southern Altay Mountains: population characteristics, distribution, morphology and phylogenetic position. PeerJ 4: e2342.
  • Zhang L., Luo Z., Mallon D., Li C., Jiang Z. 2016. Biodiversity conservation status in China's growing protected areas. Biological Conservation 210B: 89-100.
  • 崔绍朋,陈代强,王金宇,孙吉舟,初红军,李春旺,蒋志刚. 2020. 新疆阿尔泰山喀纳斯河谷鸟兽物种的红外相机监测.生物多样性 28(04):435-441.
  • 李春旺和杨敬元(主编). 2020.《神农架国家公园脊椎动物资源整理编目及生物多样性研究》,北京:林业出版社.
  • 李春旺和缪涛(主编). 2020. 《陕西青木川国家级自然保护区的动物多样性与保护》,北京:林业出版社. 
  • 蒋志刚,张正旺,张润志,马志军,初红军,李义明,丁长青,赵亚辉,徐基良,平晓鸽,曾岩,崔绍朋,李娜,曹丹丹,王苏盆,徐婧,戚英杰,李春旺. 2019. 加入《迁徙物种公约》,促进全球迁徙动物保护.生物多样性 27(12):1393-1395.
  • 蒋志刚. 2019. 中国重点保护物种名录、标准与管理.生物多样性 27(6):698-703.
  • 黄乘明、周岐海、李友邦著,2018 《黑叶猴的行为生态与保护生物学》 上海,上海科学技术出版社
  • 陶夏秋,蒋志刚,吉晟男,初红军,李 娜,杨道德,李春旺. 2020. 阿尔泰山前荒漠两种沙蜥体况指数特征及其与生态因子的关系. 生物多样性 2020, 28 (4): 412–421.
  • 陶夏秋,崔绍朋,蒋志刚,初红军,李娜,杨道德,李春旺. 2018. 新疆阿勒泰地区爬行动物区系及多样性海拔分布格局. 生物多样性 26 (6): 578–589.